Title - The Bedside Baccalaureate – A Daily Primer to Refresh Your KnowledgeAuthor: David Rubel
My Rating: 👍👍👍👍👍
My Review: Great book. Also works well as a bathroom reader.
Description (ChatGPT): The Bedside Baccalaureate is the literary equivalent of a daily vitamin for your brain—minus the unpleasant aftertaste. This charming primer offers a fresh tidbit of knowledge each day, perfect for those who want to sound more sophisticated at dinner parties without actually doing any heavy lifting. From philosophy to science to art, it’s like a mental spa treatment, gently massaging your intellect one bite-sized nugget at a time. It won’t turn you into a Nobel laureate overnight, but it might make you the person everyone turns to for an obscure fact about ancient Greek pottery. A delightful companion for the curious mind—because who doesn’t want to be casually brilliant before their morning coffee?