Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Hike - Mirror Lake, Mt Hood NF, Oregon

Hiking across bridge crossing Camp Creek near Mirror Lake trailhead
Hiked with friends and Buddy Boy to Mirror Lake on the Mt. Hood National Forest, Oregon. According to online sources, the Mirror Lake trail is one of the most popular 
hikes on the Mt. Hood National Forest, partly due to its accessibility and partly because it’s a relatively easy hike to a mountain lake with a beautiful view of Mt. Hood.
Mirror Lake with Mt. Hood in the distanceThe 4.4-mile loop trail begins right off Highway 26 near Government Camp and is an easy hike to Mirror Lake.
Makeshift boardwalk through marshy area
The trail loops around the lake and crosses through some marshy areas where there was a makeshift boardwalk that took a little agility to navigate. The best views of the lake with Mt. Hood in the background were in the marshy areas on the southwest side of the lake. 
Mirror Lake with Mt. Hood in the distance
Mirror Lake with Mt. Hood in the distance
We only saw a few wildflowers along the trail including Indian paintbrush (Castilleja sp.) and sickletop lousewort (Pedicularis racemosa). 
There were also lots of the infamous Devil’s club (Oplopanax horridus) along the trail and near the lake. 
Not surprisingly, there were lots of people around the lake but luckily, we were able to find a nice spot  along the somewhat muddy lakeshore for a little picnic and a mud-bath for Buddy Boy. 
Buddy Boy shaking off after a mud bath
Buddy Boy taking a mud bath
Mirror Lake picnic spot
 Mirror Lake picnic spot

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