Monday, September 30, 2024

Book Review -- Every Time I Find the Meaning of Life, They Change It

Book Cover
Title - Every Time I Find the Meaning of Life, They Change It
Author: Daniel Klein
My Rating: 👍👍👍👍👍
My Review: This book showed up in my Little Free Library. Maybe it's because I'm old but I'm finding books about philosophy and how to live a more meaningful life much more interesting. The book consists of "pithies" or quotes the author wrote into a journal when he was younger in an attempt to understand how to live a better life. In his later years, the author revisits those pithies and offers further explanations and aphorisms picked up over the years. I totally loved this book and highly recommend it.

Description (ChatGPT): Every Time I Find the Meaning of Life, They Change It is like a self-help book written by your most existentially confused friend who keeps updating their "life philosophy" every time they get a new Spotify playlist. Author Daniel Klein takes you on a journey through the great minds of philosophy, cracking open ancient wisdom while giving it a humorous, modern spin—because apparently, understanding life’s meaning is a full-time job with benefits that change every quarter. Whether he’s quoting Socrates, Schopenhauer, or just rambling about his own midlife crisis, Klein’s wit shines through as he navigates the infinite maze of meaning, proving that maybe the real answer is that there isn’t one. Or maybe there is. Or maybe it’s… hold on, let me Google it.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Fall Equinox - Limerick

Fall Equinox - Sept 22, 2024
Fall equinox has come again
Summer sun is on the wane
Leaves are falling
Geese are calling
Halloween is around the bend
Halloween is coming

Halloween is coming

Halloween is coming