Thursday, December 3, 1992

Italy - Denmark Trip - Day 35

Thursday December 3, 1992 – Venice, Italy
Woke early and took the 15-minute train ride from Mestre to Venice. We found a café where we got cappuccinos and rolls and then walked to Ponte Rialto, Campo San Polo , Ponte Academia , Piazza San Marco , and St Mark’s Basilica . Venice is an amazing city that totally depends on tourists and local shoppers. There were tons of shops specializing in blown glass, leather, jewelry, masks, etc. I bought some leather gloves, and glass ornament gifts for folks back home but couldn’t find anything for Carol or myself. We found a Pizzeria where we got Quattro Stagioni Pizza which was the best pizza we had on the trip so far. We then headed back to the station and caught the train back to the hotel around 8 PM just before it started to rain (which it did most of the night).

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