Friday, December 4, 1992

Italy - Denmark Trip - Day 36

Friday December 4, 1992 – Venice, Italy
Woke early and drove to Milan on the autostrade which took about 4 hours and 20,000 Lire. In Milan, we ran into some terrible traffic which appeared to be due to poor road design (traffic circles, and 4 lanes merging into 2 lanes). We managed to find the Milan Central train station despite there being no visible road signs. We found a parking space and decided to try and change our reservations to go directly to Aarhus based on Lotte’s advice. Unfortunately, we once again got the run-around and couldn’t find anyone who spoke English. So, after considerable time and frustration, we gave up. We then found a funky one-star hotel near the train station (80,000 Lire) and drove to the Milan Duomo . We miraculously found a parking spot about one block away from the Duomo and spent about two hours checking out the Duomo. We then returned to the car and drove around trying to find gas for the car before dropping it off. It was somewhat of a relief to drop the car off but made me feel a little uneasy not having transportation. After dropping the car off, we took a taxi back to the hotel and made it just as it started to rain cats and dogs (all night).

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