Sunday, November 1, 1992

Italy - Denmark Trip - Day 3

Sunday November 1, 1992 – Rome, Italy
I ended up sleeping until 7 AM which gave me about 13 ½ hours of much needed sleep. I went down to the dining area where they offered a free continental breakfast of croissant, roll, and coffee. The coffee in Italy is quite an experience. It seems like they have perfected coffee to include every possible nuance. The coffee served with breakfast was in two separate pitchers, one with strong coffee and one with hot milk. After breakfast, I decided to walk to the Vatican and see some sights along the way. The route to the Vatican and Saint Peters Basilica passes by the Colosseum , Roman Forum, and zillions of statues, monuments, and churches. The San Anselmo church located next to my hotel looked to be about 1,000 years old. On my walk I discovered a door with a “keyhole” you could look through and see Saint Peters Basilica in the distance. One monument to Victor Emmanuel II was nick named the “wedding cake” since it looks like a giant cake with white frosting. Saint Peters Basilica was fantastic, and I must have used 6 rolls of film trying to capture the different angles. I took the hike to the top of the dome which included over 300 steps and a view of Rome that can’t be found anywhere else in the city. Unfortunately, the weather was cloudy and by the time I got to the top, it was getting dark, but I’ll be back. A highlight was during mass, they would occasionally play the organ which filled the cathedral with a sound that would make a believer out of almost anyone. By the time I left Saint Peters Basilica, it was about 6-7 PM and took about 1 ½ hours to get back to the hotel. By that time, I was both starving and thirsty and decided to go down the street to a nearby Pizzeria where I was able to buy a kind of calzone and some local Italian beer (Nastro Azzurro) .

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